Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet Rich Plasma (otherwise referred to as PRP) is a natural therapy used to relieve pain associated with joint disease and injury, promote healing and reduce recovery time in canine patients.
Platelets are a type of cell found in the blood and are primarily responsible for the formation of blood clots. Platelets also contain an abundance of growth factors involved in healing.
PRP therapy is a day procedure that involves a blood sample being taken from your pet. The sample is spun down in the lab, concentrating the plasma and beneficial growth factors in the plasma portion of the blood. While the patient is sedated, the sample is injected into the joint, where it stimulates healing of inflamed tissues, improving pain relief and function of the joint, utilising the body’s own ability to regenerate and heal itself.
PRP therapy is typically recommended for patients suffering from Osteoarthritis or undergoing orthopaedic surgery.
We’re proud to be offering this exciting new therapy, seeing some promising results in our patients so far. If you’d like to discuss this therapy further, please have a chat with one of our veterinarians.