58 Clyde Road
Berwick, VIC 3806

Medication & Drugs

In the interest of public health and safety and the welfare of your animals, this practice endorses and upholds the principles of Total Professional Service in accordance with the Supply and Use of Restricted Drugs policy. This policy is a guideline of the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria.

This practice will:

  • dispense restricted (prescription only) drugs only when the animal is directly under our care
  • take responsibility for establishing that there is a therapeutic need for the drug before dispensing
  • provide for after-care necessary for the animal’s welfare
  • ensure you understand the use of the drug
  • dispense only a reasonable amount of the drug to treat the immediate problem
  • always hold the welfare of the animal as the highest priority when dispensing restricted drugs
  • adhere to the legal requirements of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances legislation
  • only supply drugs under the direct authority of the registered veterinary practitioner.

This practice can only supply restricted drugs when the above requirements are satisfied.

There are many medications which are long term or lifelong and are commonly prescribed for conditions such as arthritis, cardiac disease, seizure control, etc. Many of these drugs have potential side effects and as a result, it is recommended that animals on long term medications have a health check at least every 6 months. These health checks are required to ensure the animal is on the correct drug and dosage, and there are no unwanted side effects. Often, a blood test or urine test may be required.

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