Are you travelling with your pet this summer? If the answer is ‘yes’, there are a few things you need to think about to help keep your pet happy, healthy and safe.
- A good place to start is by asking the question: Is my pet healthy? You don’t want to take your pet on a road trip if they are unwell. Arrange a checkup with us before you go for peace of mind.
- If your pet is on medication do you have enough for the trip? And if your pet is on a specific diet, do you have enough to last while you are away?
- Are your pet’s vaccinations and parasite prevention up to date? This is extremely important if you are visiting a paralysis tick area as these ticks can be fatal (particularly the east coast of Australia.) And is your pet protected against heartworm, fleas and biting flies? We can advise you on the most effective parasite prevention for your pet.
- Pets can become lost in an unfamiliar area so you should confirm your pet is microchipped and all the details (i.e. appropriate phone numbers) attached to the chip up to date. It’s a good idea to put a collar on your pet with your contact details on an identification tag, this allows you to be reunited ASAP if your pet becomes lost.
- Are you travelling to an area where there might be snakes? If your pet is usually a ‘city slicker’ you might not have ever had to worry about snakes. Make sure you know where the local vet is and who to call after-hours if there is an emergency, it’s a good idea to put their phone number in your mobile contacts.
- And finally, if your pet gets car sick, you should ask us about the medication we have available to help reduce motion sickness. We also have a pheromone spray available for both cats and dogs that can help reduce anxiety on car trips.
For more advice on travelling with your pet, please call our friendly team on (03) 9707 2655. If you would like to make a booking to ensure your pet is in tip-top shape for a summer jaunt, you can make a booking here.